The documentary film Alien Home aims to recognise the pain of those who exchanged their homes at some point in their lives. This pain spills over the borders imposed around them, whether they are ethnic, regional, familial, age-based, etc.
Nedžad Novalić
Historians Wanted for an Unwanted Past
Round table of historians, journalists, activists, Sarajevo 14-15. 10. 2017.
What are historians silent about when they speak and what do they speak of with their silence?
War Veterans at the Commemoration in Varivode and Gošić: Condemn the Crime and Punish the Perpetrators
This time, at the invitation of the Serb National Council as the organiser, war veterans of the Croatian Army (HV), the Yugoslav Army (JV), the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Army of BiH), the Croat Defence Council (HVO) and the Army of Republika Srpska (VRS) took up the invitation to attend the commemoration for civilians killed in Varivode and Gošić in Croatia.
New CNA team member
Since recently, Nedžad Novalić is with us
War Veterans Visit the Former Vozuća Battleground: Let me ask you, what was it like for you?
War veterans from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia visited the former Vozuća battleground in the Zavidovići Municipality, paying their respects to the civilian and military casualties.
Everyone is waiting for someone else to be the first…
Report from the 41st basic training in peace building (Ohrid, 20-30 April 2017)