Annual Report 2004 – VII

Annual Report 2004 – VII

(pdf) CENTAR ZA NENASILNU AKCIJU - CENTRE FOR NONVIOLENT ACTION OFFICE IN BELGRADE Studentski trg 8, 11000Belgrade, SCG Tel: + 381 11 637-603, 637-661 Fax: + 381 11 637-603 Email: OFFICE IN SARAJEVO Radnička 104,...

Annual Report 2003 – VI

Annual Report 2003 – VI

(pdf) CENTAR ZA NENASILNU AKCIJU - CENTRE FOR NONVIOLENT ACTION OFFICE IN BELGRADE Studentski trg 8, 11000 Belgrade, SCG Tel: + 381 11 637-603, 637-661 Fax: + 381 11 637-603 Email: OFFICE IN SARAJEVO Radnička 104, 71000...

Annual Report 2002 – V

Annual Report 2002 – V

(pdf) Centar za nenasilnu akciju Centre for Nonviolent Action   SEPTEMBER 2001 - AUGUST 2002 Centre for Nonviolent Action Office in Belgrade: Svetogorska 33 / st.7, 11000 Beograd, YU Tel/Fax: +381 11 3226-793  ...

About tolerance and “hate” speech

"Let the neighbour's cow be safe and sound" *   by Helena Rill The changes that have happened after the October 5 of 2000 when the new government was established, after Slobodan Miloševiæ and the old regime had been overthrown, haven't had much effect on hate speech....

About Slobodan Milošević trial

The «great trial» to Slobodan Miloševic, ex-president of Serbia and Yugoslavia, has started on February 12th 2002, almost eleven years since the beginning of the wars in the region of former SFRY, wars whose consequences are still present for all the people from this...

Annual Report 2001 – IV

Annual Report 2001 – IV

CENTAR ZA NENASILNU AKCIJU   CENTRE FOR NONVIOLENT ACTION Office in Sarajevo: Bentbaša 31, 71000 Sarajevo, BiH Tel/Fax: +387/33/440-417   Office in Belgrade: Ulofa Palmea 2A, 11160 Beograd, SRJ Tel/Fax: +381 11 34-32-612,...

To condemn and (or) to accept

To condemn and (or) to accept

Recent events in Banja Luka and Trebinje, regarding the violent obstruction of rebuilding the destroyed mosques while people were stoned, were not at all unexpected, but on the contrary, gave an overall picture of the situation in BiH. Human rights violation of all...

Annual Report 2000 – III

Annual Report 2000 – III

Annual report 1999-2000 Centar za nenasilnu akciju Bentbasa 31, 71000 Sarajevo, BiH Tel/Fax: +387/33/440-417 CENTAR ZA NENASILNU AKCIJU   CENTRE FOR NONVIOLENT ACTION Annual report III September 1999 - August 2000  ...

Annual report 1999 – II

Centar za nenasilnu akciju Bentbasa 31, 71000Sarajevo, BiH Tel/Fax:+387/71/442 011 CENTAR ZA NENASILNU AKCIJU Annual report II September 1998 - August 1999     Centar za nenasilnu akciju - CNA is the...

Annual Report 1997-1998 / I

Annual Report 1997-1998 / I

Centar za nenasilnu akciju Bentbaša 31, 71000 Sarajevo, BiH Tel/Fax:+387/71/442 011         CENTAR ZA NENASILNU AKCIJU Annual report September 1997 - August 1998     Centar za nenasilnu akciju - CNA is the project office of...