Sites of Memory about the Crimes of the Junta in Argentina

| CNA |
Publication about sites of memory related to the crimes committed by the junta during their dictatorship in Argentina. ...
10. March 2020
10. March 2020

We are glad to announce our new publication

‘Whatever it may cost me, I want a better country for my children.’ Sites of Memory about the Crimes of the Junta in Argentina

is now available.

From 24 to 26 June, an international conference was held in Buenos Aires titled: “The Presence of the Past, Urgencies of the Present: The Authoritarian and Totalitarian Past and the Challenges of Contemporary Democracies”. The conference was organised by two organisations: Centro Internacional para la Promoción de los Derechos Humanos (CIPDH-UNESCO) from Buenos Aires and Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur from Berlin.

Nenad Vukosavljević and Ivana Franović took part at this conference and used the opportunity to visit several memory sites about crimes of the junta. They found this experience very valuable and decided to prepare a publication about these visits.




We would like to thank Maria Eleonora Cristina, Mariana Tello Weiss and Daniel Rafecas for their time, patience and everything they showed us and told us about. We have learned a lot. Also, a big thank you to Anna Kaminsky and the Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED Diktatur. Anna selflessly works to promote international exchanges and bring together people working on memory to exchange experiences and work through professional dilemmas.

These four people probably have no idea how much inspiration and support they provided for us to persevere. A heartfelt thank you.

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