In the first days of 2025, the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina raised a series of indictments against individuals accused of war crimes committed in the area of Livno, Žepče and Hrasnica.
New Book: “We Come in Peace: War Veterans in Peacebuilding”
We are pleased to announce the publication of our new book “We Come in Peace: War Veterans in Peacebuilding”.
Open Letter – in response to the statement by the Mayor of Prnjavor
Open letter to the Mayor of Prnjavor in response to his media statements and denial of war crimes in the City of Prnjavor
Understanding the past in order to form the future
During the panel discussion, we talked about our work, the book, research study and exhibition “On the Trail of the Danube Swabians in Vojvodina”
Women against violence, hate speech and genocide: Experience from the Kigali workshop
The Office of the UN Special Advisor on the Prevention of Genocide (OSAPG) organised a workshop in Kigali, Rwanda on 4 and 5 November 2024 for women active in communities
Results of the Sixth Biber Short Story Contest
The jury for the regional Biber Short Story Contest, comprising Almin Kaplan, Jasna Dimitrijević and Tanja Stupar Trifunović, selected 24 stories to be included in the multilingual collection and decided on the prizes. One story was selected for the collection by the Biber organisation team.
Participation in the regional activist school on the 1990s “LOVE WILL SAVE US”
At the invitation of the CK 13 Youth Centre in Novi Sad, activists of the Centre for Nonviolent Action presented their peace activism, work with war veterans, as well as the activity Marking Unmarked Sites of Suffering to participants in the regional political school on the 1990s “LOVE WILL SAVE US!”
In Memory of Johan Galtung: A Man without a Country
Johan Galtung, the Norwegian sociologist and one of the founders of peace studies, passed away on Saturday 17 February 2024
Sixth Regional Short Story Contest Biber has been opened
The competition is open until 26 May 2024. Authors writing in Albanian, Macedonian, Bosnian, Montenegrin, Croatian or Serbian are eligible to enter.
Life’s Boundaries – On the Study Trip to Kosovo
The study trip to Kosovo for team members of the Centre for Nonviolent Action Sarajevo – Belgrade and some of our associates was organised from 6 to 10 November 2023
The collection of short stories from the Biber 05 regional contest has been published
The fifth Biber Contest ran from 10 December 2021 to 1 June 2022. A total of 473 stories were entered anonymously. Twenty stories selected for the collection were chosen by the jury made up of: Lejla Kalamujić, Kalina Maleska and Olja Savičević Ivančević.
Documentation: The Present of Our Past
The Present of Our Past study trip included visits to marked and unmarked sites of suffering in the wider Jasenovac and Novska area in Croatia, as well as Donja Gradina, Kozara, Prijedor and Sanski Most in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Special Report: Peacebuilding in South Asia and the Western Balkans – Insights from an Unusual Encounter
A special report about an extraordinary encounter with our colleagues from South Asia.
Results of the Fifth Biber Contest
The jury of the fifth regional Biber Short Story Context, comprising Kalina Maleska, Lejla Kalamujić and Olja Savičević Ivančević, has chosen the winners and the 25 stories that will be published in the multilingual collection.
Documentation: South Asia – Western Balkan Peacebuilding Exchange
The encounter within the project “South Asia – Western Balkan Peacebuilding Exchange” took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 26 March to 2 April 2022. The exchange included two parts: optional study trip in Mostar and the workshop held in Sarajevo. The participants of this exchange programme came from India, Manipur/India, Bangladesh, Germany, North Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.