Activists mark sites of suffering in Central Bosnia and around Sarajevo

Activists mark sites of suffering in Central Bosnia and around Sarajevo

With the support of the Centre for Nonviolent Action, in June 2020, a group of activists continued their activities to mark unmarked sites of suffering in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Five sites were marked: Hotel Igman and Hotel Maršal, Bilivode near Zenica, Miletići near Travnik and the site of the attack against the Tuzla Convoy of Salvation near Novi Travnik.

The Enemy Within  (thoughts about Victims and Camps)

The Enemy Within (thoughts about Victims and Camps)

We were taught about the Second World War in school, we watched films, read books. We expect there to be a consensus, at least about the basics. The Holocaust, the casualties of the Second World War, the reign of fascism and the horrors of destruction left in its wake are (mostly) not disputed. However, if we can agree on that, why can’t we commemorate this properly, by commemorating victims and the places where lives were taken?

War veterans from the region paid their respects to civilian victims taken from the train in Štrpci

War veterans from the region paid their respects to civilian victims taken from the train in Štrpci

Veterans of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ARBiH), the Croat Defence Council (HVO), the Croatian Army (HV), the Army of Republika Srpska (VRS), the Army of Yugoslavia (VJ) and the Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA), together with activists from the Centre for Nonviolent Action Sarajevo/Belgrade, took part in the commemoration in Prijepolje and honoured the civilians killed after they were taken off the train in Štrpci, expressing their solidarity and support for the families of the victims and calling for the prosecution of those responsible and for finding the remains of the victims.