After last night’s presentation in Pristina, tonight the Biber collections of anti-war short stories and stories about reconciliation were presented in Prizren at Autostrada Hangar.
The Biber Contest and the multilingual short story collections were presented in Bujanovac
The Biber Contest and the multilingual short story collections were presented today in Bujanovac, at the Vuk Karadžić Cultural Centre
Honouring Those Killed in Skelani: Remembrance of All Victims
Members of the Centre for Nonviolent Action Sarajevo-Belgrade attended the commemoration for people killed in Skelani, a local community within the Srebrenica Municipality. In Skelani and other surrounding villages, 34 Serb civilians and 35 members of the Republika Srpska Army were killed on 16 January 1993.
Kosovo 2.0 portal about CNA peace work and activities with war veterans
Portal Kosovo 2.0 published an article about the peace work of the CNA, especially about our working with war veterans
Silence is Not Golden
Our 17th action of marking unmarked sites of suffering is complete. In this action, we visited unmarked sites of suffering in the area of Trnovo, Mount Igman and Bugojno
In Memory of Novica Kostić: War veterans from the region pay their respects to a fellow peacebuilder
War veterans from the region and peace activists have submitted an initiative to name one street in Vlasotince after Novica Kostić
Marked Sites of Suffering in Bugojno, Trnovo and Hadžići: Victims Need to See These Places Marked
In their 17th action to mark unmarked sites of suffering, activists from Bosnia and Herzegovina marked sites in Trnovo, Hadžići and Bugojno.
24th Annual Report Published
In front of you is the 24th annual report on the activities of the Center for Nonviolent Action. As always, your feedback would mean a lot to us.
New: online Handbook for peacebuilding trainings
This online handbook is created as an online support tool for practitioners with previous knowledge and skills of groupwork with adults on issues of dealing with conflict and peacebuilding
The Courage and Openness of Twenty-Year-Olds
The fourth Peacebuilding Training for students from Bosnia and Herzegovina was held from 22 to 28 July on Mount Vlašić.
War Veterans at the Commemoration to the Victims Killed in Uborak and Sutina: Those Responsible Must Be Brought to Face Justice
It was 29 years ago, as the Serb military and paramilitary forces were retreating from Mostar, that 114 Bosniak and Croat civilians were taken from their homes and killed at two locations near Mostar – Uborak and Sutina
Commemoration for Children Killed in Vitez: Our Angels, We Haven’t Forgotten You
According to the memories of the survivors, the 15 of them were outside that day, 10 June 1993, in the Podgradina neighbourhood when around 8:45 pm a shell interrupted their play. Five children were killed instantly, three died in hospital, and six were wounded.
War Veterans Attend Commemoration in Bradina near Konjic: Visiting All Sites of Suffering
War veterans from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia attended the commemoration for Serb civilians killed in Bradina near Konjic.
Across the Herzegovinian Karst
This time, we visited local communities in eastern Herzegovina and marked sites of detention, killing, abuse and suffering from the past war.
Marked Sites of Suffering in Bileća and Nevesinje: Remembrance of All Victims
Activists from Bosnia and Herzegovina marked sites of suffering in the area of Bileća and Nevesinje. A total of eight locations related to the suffering of the non-Serb population during the 1992-1995 war were marked