about examples of reconciliation work in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Spain
40th Basic Training in Peacebuilding
in Ulcinj, Montenegro, from 14 to 24 October 2016.
Journey to Manipur
Manipur, India
21 February – 2 March 2016
Regional Conference: “Inter-ethnic Conflicts in the Former Yugoslavia and the Role of Restorative Justice: Experiences and Challenges”
Victimology Society of Serbia
Belgrade, 30 October 2014
Behind All those Flags
Epilogue to the football match
Socio-political context 2013
Bosnia Herzegovina: Twisted time Montenegro: A Montenegrin's moustache Croatia: They knew everything, and they did nothing Kosovo: Agreement or +383 Macedonia: One big nothing, nicely wrapped and gaudily decorated Serbia: Continuity of Endless Disaster Bosnia...
Impressions from Basic Training: A Beautiful Experience!
After I had wrapped things up at the office and rushed off to buy the few last things I needed for the trip (somehow, as a rule, I always leave this to the very last minute), I began to realise that I was going to attend Basic Training in Peace Building organised by...
Images of those times
Oral histories of war-veterans and members of their families
Annual Report 2008 – XI
about activities and the regional context
Not a bird to be heard. 2007, film
Not a bird to be heard. 2007, film
simulated dialogue Bosniaks-Croats
Annual Report 2007 – X
about activities and the regional context
Training for Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation
Experiences of the “Centre for Nonviolent Action” in the Western Balkans,
Nenad Vukosavljević
Annual Report 2002 – V
(pdf) Centar za nenasilnu akciju Centre for Nonviolent Action SEPTEMBER 2001 - AUGUST 2002 Centre for Nonviolent Action Office in Belgrade: Svetogorska 33 / st.7, 11000 Beograd, YU Tel/Fax: +381 11 3226-793 ...
Annual Report 2001 – IV
CENTAR ZA NENASILNU AKCIJU CENTRE FOR NONVIOLENT ACTION Office in Sarajevo: Bentbaša 31, 71000 Sarajevo, BiH Tel/Fax: +387/33/440-417 Office in Belgrade: Ulofa Palmea 2A, 11160 Beograd, SRJ Tel/Fax: +381 11 34-32-612,...
Annual report 1999 – II
Centar za nenasilnu akciju Bentbasa 31, 71000Sarajevo, BiH Tel/Fax:+387/71/442 011 CENTAR ZA NENASILNU AKCIJU Annual report II September 1998 - August 1999 Centar za nenasilnu akciju - CNA is the...