28. september 2017.
Heroes of the Forgotten
Marking unmarked sites of suffering in BiH, 23 – 24 May 2017
Vow of Silence, Vol. 4
The team for marking unmarked sites of suffering continued its mission of marking forgotten and unwanted locations of suffering for the fourth time.
Music Pavilion Staklenac, Banja Luka 22 November – 4 December 2016, exhibition “War of Memories”
The specific journey through the recent past, marred by war and suffering, began in Sarajevo where the exhibition “War of Memories” was first put on; continued in Mostar and then in Banja Luka where the exhibition of photographs from the project “War Monuments...
The Croatian Lodge “Herceg Stješan Kosača”, Mostar 2-16.11.2016. Exhibitions of photographs “War of Memories”
In the spirit of the mission of the Centre for Nonviolent Action Sarajevo-Belgrade, which entails building lasting peace by promoting a culture of nonviolence, dialogue and trust among people in the region of the former Yugoslavia, the project “War Monuments in Bosnia...
40th Basic Training in Peacebuilding
in Ulcinj, Montenegro, from 14 to 24 October 2016.
The Paths of Wartime Suffering
…We marked unmarked sites of suffering with stickers that read: “UNMARKED SITE OF SUFFERING – At this site, during the war, human beings were subjected to inhumane acts. By not letting these events be forgotten, we stand in solidarity with all victims. May it never happen again to anyone.” Western BiH, Autumn 2016.
Towns, forgetting and thorns
Continuation of the activity “Marking Atrocity Sites” in Podrinje and Herzegovina, 17 – 18 May 2016
Photography Exhibition and Promotion of the Publication “War of Memories”, Vienna 8 – 9 April 2016
The first public exhibition of photographs, presentation of the publication “War of Memories” and the idea behind the published material on the kulturasjecanja.org/en/ website
Good Day
About creating of a datebase for places of suffering and places of remembrance in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Since 2012-2015 the process of travel, photographing, gathering data and reviewing, has lasted. Travel and photographing was concluded by Nedžad Horozović and me. This text gives a small insight into what we went through.
Visit by War-Veterans to Novi Grad/Bosanski Novi
War-veterans from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia visited sites of suffering in Novi Grad/Bosanski Novi municipality
Reconciliation with the Past? Resistance and Collaboration in Different National Narratives and Remembrances
14th East-West-European Memorial Seminar, Krzyzowa/Kreisau, Poland
9 – 12 March 2016
Marking the Anniversary of the Start of the War in Croatia
Pakrac, 1 March 2016
Unmarked Pain
Marking Unmarked Sites of Suffering, 7-8. October 2016
18th Annual Report
eighteenth annual report on our activities in the period September 2014 – September 2015