The Youth Initiative for Human Rights in Croatia, with the assistance and support of the activist group Unmarked Sites of Atrocities, which has marked 58 unmarked sites of atrocities in Bosnia and Herzegovina to date, has started marking unmarked sites of atrocities in Croatia.
Proceedings from the International Conference on “Reconciling Histories?!”
The conference was divided into six sessions, with a field trip to Zavidovići where we met with war veterans that CNA has been cooperating with in peacebuilding activities for years.
International Conference “Reconciling Histories!?” Held in Sarajevo
The Conference focused on the experience of different countries in the postwar process of seeking justice, its challenges and taboos, the role of historical myths and narratives in the reconcilitaiton process, understanding the importance of nonviolence and its limits.
I have learned to stay silent and to listen
…A preponderance of history per square meter in other countries makes it a haven for tourists, but here it is only a guarantee of the presence of death, or at least it has been up till now.
Robert Streibel
Round Table of the Centre for Nonviolent Action, Sarajevo, October 2017
Historians Wanted for an Unwanted Past
Round table of historians, journalists, activists, Sarajevo 14-15. 10. 2017.
What are historians silent about when they speak and what do they speak of with their silence?