The Training in Peacebuilding was the first time I heard openly from different sides and different participants in the conflict
peace education
Participation in the regional activist school on the 1990s “LOVE WILL SAVE US”
At the invitation of the CK 13 Youth Centre in Novi Sad, activists of the Centre for Nonviolent Action presented their peace activism, work with war veterans, as well as the activity Marking Unmarked Sites of Suffering to participants in the regional political school on the 1990s “LOVE WILL SAVE US!”
Workshops: “Introduction to Reflecting on Peace” in Novi Sad
Invited by associates from the CK 13 Youth Centre in Novi Sad activists of the Centre for Nonviolent Action held one of the Alternative Policy Seminars
In Memory of Johan Galtung: A Man without a Country
Johan Galtung, the Norwegian sociologist and one of the founders of peace studies, passed away on Saturday 17 February 2024
Fifth Peacebuilding Training for Students from BiH: Generation Change
Report from the fifth Peacebuilding Training for students from Bosnia and Herzegovina that held from 22 to 28 July 2023 on Mount Vlašić
Documentation: The Present of Our Past
The Present of Our Past study trip included visits to marked and unmarked sites of suffering in the wider Jasenovac and Novska area in Croatia, as well as Donja Gradina, Kozara, Prijedor and Sanski Most in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The present of our past
The study trip included visits to marked and unmarked sites of suffering related to the Second World War and the wars of the 1990s in the wider Jasenovac and Novska area in Croatia, and that of Donja Gradina, Kozara, Prijedor and Sanski Most in Bosnia and Herzegovina