Biber 02

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We are pleased to announce the publication of the collection of short stories about reconciliation selected through the second Biber Contest ...
22. March 2018
22. March 2018

Biber 02We are pleased to announce the publication of the collection of short stories about reconciliation selected through the second Biber Contest.

The second Biber Contest was launched in January 2017. We received 385 stories in Albanian, Macedonian, Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin and Serbian. The jury was made up of Faruk Šehić, Kim Mehmeti and Tatjana Gromača. First prize went to the story Jedu ljudi i bez nogu [People Without Legs Eat Too] by Milica Vučković from Belgrade, the second prize was awarded to the story Čiko Zav [Mr Zav] by Dženeta Rovčanin from Sarajevo and the third prize to Семејството на чичко Аки [Uncle Aki’s Family] by Anuška Minovska from Skopje.

The Biber 02 collection contains 25 selected stories. You can download the pdf version at the following link.

Three promotions are planned for the Biber 02 collection: in Zagreb, Mitrovica and Tetovo. The first will be held at the University of Tetovo on 27 March at 12 noon.


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