On Human Rights Day 2021 the fifth Biber Short Story Contest has been opened. Both established and unpublished authors writing in Albanian, Macedonian, Bosnian, Montenegrin, Croatian or Serbian are eligible to enter.
Collection of Stories from the Regional Biber Contest Promoted in Bugojno
Biber 04, a collection of anti-war short stories and short stories about reconciliation, was promoted in Bugojno on 9 November 2021.
Results of the Fourth Biber Short Story Contest
Some 750 stories were entered in the Fourth Biber Short Story Contest.
In memoriam
Our Novica Kostić, one of the bravest peace activists in the region, war-veteran, has died at the age of sixty-one.
Fourth Regional Short Story Contest Biber
Authors writing in Albanian, Macedonian, Bosnian, Montenegrin, Croatian or Serbian are eligible to enter. The contest is open until 1 December 2020.
Biber 03
Collection of short stories selected through the third Biber Contest is published.
Biber 03: Press Release
Press Release on the completion of the Third Biber Competition
Joint Visit by War Veterans to the City of Niš and Participation at the Commemoration in Aleksinac
Since 2008, the Centre for Nonviolent Action, with offices in Sarajevo and Belgrade, has been organising visits by groups of war veterans from Croatia, Serbia and BiH to sites of atrocities against civilians and soldiers committed in the recent war and to official commemorations honouring victims, organised by local and state authorities and victims associations.
Third Regional Short Story Contest Biber
Short story contest for authors writing in Albanian, Macedonian, Bosnian, Montenegrin, Croatian or Serbian.
New handbook: Nonviolence!
Our new handbook, bringing together experience gained over 20 years of trainings, has just come out in print.
Public Debate on the Peacebuilding Strategy
On Human Rights Day, 10 December, a public debate on the Peacebuilding Strategy was held
Changing attitudes towards the past: Activists mark sites of atrocities in Vitez, Drvar, Kotor Varoš…
In November 2018, the informal group of peace activities, in its 8th action of marking unmarked sites of atrocities, marked sites in Vitez, Bosanski Petrovac, Kotor Varoš and at Manjača.
Promotion of the Biber 02 Collection in Tetovo
Ivana Franović from the Biber Team, Anuška Minovska, whose story Obitelj strica Akija [Uncle Aki’s Family] won third place, Danilo Lučić, whose story Frakture [Fractures] was also included in the collection, and Qerim Ondozi, translator and associate of the Biber Team spoke at the promotion held at the Philosophy Faculty in Tetovo. Blerim Jashari, a peace activist from Tetovo, was the moderator at the promotion.
Local communities invited to mark sites of suffering: A fair attitude towards a painful past
In our seventh action of marking unmarked sites of suffering, we marked sites of suffering in Vareš, Jajce, Prijedor and at Korićanske stijene.
Biber 02
We are pleased to announce the publication of the collection of short stories about reconciliation selected through the second Biber Contest