Nedžad Novalić, member of the CNA team, in a text published by the ResPublica portal writes about the commemoration for killed children in Sarajevo
Biber 05 Collection Promoted in Travnik
Biber 05, a multilingual collection of short stories, was promoted on 24 May in Travnik at “Ex Ponto” the Birth House of Ivo Andrić
Monetary fines and prison sentences are not the worst that can happen
Vanja Stokić, a reporter and activist from Banja Luka, writes about the impact of the draft law adopted by the Republika Srpska National Assembly criminalising slander and libel.
Promotion of the Biber Collection in Bitolj
The Biber 05 Contest and Short Story Collection, as well as engaged literature, reconciliation and peacebuilding, were discussed at the Cultural Centre in Bitolj
Biber 05 Short Story Collection in Zagreb and Petrinja
The multilingual short story collection from the regional Biber 05 contest was promoted in Zagreb and Petrinja on 5 and 6 April 2023.
Prison Camp Survivors and Peace Activists Visit Sites of Detention Together and Issue a Public Appeal
Together with prison camp survivors, supported by peace activists, reporters and war veterans the Centre for Nonviolent Action organised a joint visit to mark four silos that were used as sites of detention in the area of Tarčin near Hadžići, Kaćuni near Busovača, and in Žepče and Derventa
Documentation: The Present of Our Past
The Present of Our Past study trip included visits to marked and unmarked sites of suffering in the wider Jasenovac and Novska area in Croatia, as well as Donja Gradina, Kozara, Prijedor and Sanski Most in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Special Report: Peacebuilding in South Asia and the Western Balkans – Insights from an Unusual Encounter
A special report about an extraordinary encounter with our colleagues from South Asia.
25th Annual Report Published
We have published the 25th Annual Report of the Centre for Nonviolent Action.
We look forward to your comments, suggestions and feedback about this report and our work.
44th Basic Training: Days when Years Happen
The 44th Basic Training in Peacebuilding organised by the Centre for Nonviolent Action Sarajevo/Belgrade was held in Ulcinj, Montenegro from 14 to 24 October.
The present of our past
The study trip included visits to marked and unmarked sites of suffering related to the Second World War and the wars of the 1990s in the wider Jasenovac and Novska area in Croatia, and that of Donja Gradina, Kozara, Prijedor and Sanski Most in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Meeting of War Veterans – We Remain Steadfast on the Path of Peacebuilding
From 6 to 10 June 2022, in Blagaj near Mostar, we organised a meeting of war veterans and peace activists
“Introduction to Peacebuilding”, Mir-Paqe-Мир 2022
Many topics and questions discussed at the training are taboos in our societies, they are not spoken about, not even in the most intimate circles
Exchange with Friends from Asia
At the end of March, we organised an exchange meeting of activists from India and Bangladesh, on the one hand, and Europe, primarily the Balkans, on the other.
Against Forgetting and Indifference
The 18th action to mark unmarked sites of suffering (ONMS) was carried out in February 2022 in the Brčko District of BiH