In the first days of 2025, the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina raised a series of indictments against individuals accused of war crimes committed in the area of Livno, Žepče and Hrasnica.
Culture of Remembrance
New Book: “We Come in Peace: War Veterans in Peacebuilding”
We are pleased to announce the publication of our new book “We Come in Peace: War Veterans in Peacebuilding”.
Peace Activists from the Region at the Commemoration for Bosniaks Abducted in Herceg Novi
The commemorative gathering in front of the Herceg Novi Security Centre at noon on 25 May 2024 marked 32 years since the war crime committed against Bosniak civilians
SO CLOSE, YET SO FAR AWAY: On the severed ties between BiH and Kosovo
Starting from 1 January 2024, citizens of Kosovo will be able to travel visa-free anywhere in Europe, but not to BiH, for which they will need to obtain a visa either from Zagreb, Podgorica, Tirana or Skopje
BETWEEN DENIAL AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Who and what does the Kazani memorial serve?
BETWEEN DENIAL AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Who and what does the Kazani memorial serve?
Documentation: The Present of Our Past
The Present of Our Past study trip included visits to marked and unmarked sites of suffering in the wider Jasenovac and Novska area in Croatia, as well as Donja Gradina, Kozara, Prijedor and Sanski Most in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The present of our past
The study trip included visits to marked and unmarked sites of suffering related to the Second World War and the wars of the 1990s in the wider Jasenovac and Novska area in Croatia, and that of Donja Gradina, Kozara, Prijedor and Sanski Most in Bosnia and Herzegovina
War Veterans at the Commemoration to the Victims Killed in Uborak and Sutina: Those Responsible Must Be Brought to Face Justice
It was 29 years ago, as the Serb military and paramilitary forces were retreating from Mostar, that 114 Bosniak and Croat civilians were taken from their homes and killed at two locations near Mostar – Uborak and Sutina
Across the Herzegovinian Karst
This time, we visited local communities in eastern Herzegovina and marked sites of detention, killing, abuse and suffering from the past war.
I’ve come to save you, he said.
It is very unusual to find yourself “on the other side” of “glorious” Croatian (and not just Croatian) military victories, among those against whom the victories are being celebrated. It is clear who was defeated, but there is always the question of whether anyone actually won?
Fourteenth action: Down the River Bosna
This action brings us to 106 sites we’ve marked that are still without a dignified memorial commemorating what happened there.
Marked Sites of Suffering in Livno, Ljubuški and Čapljina
In the 13th action, eight sites were marked in the area of Livno, Ljubuški and Čapljina.
Twelfth Action: The Leaves Sing Mournful Songs
We conducted the twelfth action to mark unmarked sites of suffering from 6 to 7 October 2020 in the area of Zvornik, Tuzla and Srebrenik.
People, Not Places
Three stories about people from Bilovode, Zecovo and Prijedor
What Will Prijedor Do with Its Past?
Commemorations in Brisevo and Zecovi, Prijedor 25.07.2020.