about examples of reconciliation work in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Spain
Meeting of War Veterans – We Remain Steadfast on the Path of Peacebuilding
From 6 to 10 June 2022, in Blagaj near Mostar, we organised a meeting of war veterans and peace activists
I’ve come to save you, he said.
It is very unusual to find yourself “on the other side” of “glorious” Croatian (and not just Croatian) military victories, among those against whom the victories are being celebrated. It is clear who was defeated, but there is always the question of whether anyone actually won?
Dialogue with the devil
Would you speak to your enemy? – published by FriEnt originally
Nenad Vukosavljević: Transitional [Justice] cycle
Despite the fact that the concept of transitional justice has widened (“evolved”), proof of its shortcomings has arisen through practice. In the Balkans, it was the original TJ concept that was implemented, relying solely on retributive justice mechanisms, in this case the International Criminal Tribunal and national war crimes proceedings.
New handbook: Nonviolence!
Our new handbook, bringing together experience gained over 20 years of trainings, has just come out in print.
20th Annual Report
20th annual report on our activities in the period September 2016 – September 2017
Everyone is waiting for someone else to be the first…
Report from the 41st basic training in peace building (Ohrid, 20-30 April 2017)
Talking to the enemy – Training for Manipuri political activists
Guwahati, India, 23-27. November 2016
Dialogue circle regarding the National Peacebuilding Strategy for the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade 8-9.11.2016.
Meeting with partner organisations from the region and representatives of state institutions of the Republic of Serbia…The aim of the Peacebuilding Strategy is to create effective mechanisms and activities for creating sustainable peace and a stable social balance where conflicts do not escalate into violence and war.
Mandela Dialogues 2: Creating Safe Spaces Across Generations
Cape Town, South Africa (14-19 June) and Batticaloa/Colombo, Sri Lanka (31 October – 5 November)
Music Pavilion Staklenac, Banja Luka 22 November – 4 December 2016, exhibition “War of Memories”
The specific journey through the recent past, marred by war and suffering, began in Sarajevo where the exhibition “War of Memories” was first put on; continued in Mostar and then in Banja Luka where the exhibition of photographs from the project “War Monuments...
Peace Initiative: War Veterans on a Quest for Peace
Published in Bjelovarski list on 19 September 2016
War-Veterans on a Peace Mission
Joint visit of war-veterans to Daruvar, Pakrac and Lipik, Croatia 8 September 2016
Advanced Training in Peacebuilding (cooperation with Peace Action)
Organised by Peace Action Prilep/Tetovo, an advanced training in dealing with the past was held from 11 to 25 April 2016 in Kruševo. Peace Action sought the support of CNA for this training, given that it was the first advanced training they were organising and CNA already had experience in this area. The team included Goran Taleski, Boro Kitanoski and Fllanza Jusufi from Peace Action, and Katarina Milićević from CNA.