The Training in Peacebuilding was the first time I heard openly from different sides and different participants in the conflict
Indictments raised for several sites we marked in past years
In the first days of 2025, the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina raised a series of indictments against individuals accused of war crimes committed in the area of Livno, Žepče and Hrasnica.
Peace Through Us
Report from the 46th Basic Training in Peacebuilding, Ulcinj, Montenegro, 18-28 October 2024
Workshops: “Introduction to Reflecting on Peace” in Novi Sad
Invited by associates from the CK 13 Youth Centre in Novi Sad activists of the Centre for Nonviolent Action held one of the Alternative Policy Seminars
In Memory of Johan Galtung: A Man without a Country
Johan Galtung, the Norwegian sociologist and one of the founders of peace studies, passed away on Saturday 17 February 2024
26th Annual Report Published
We have published the 26th Annual Report of the Centre for Nonviolent Action. We look forward to your comments, suggestions and feedback about this report.
Life’s Boundaries – On the Study Trip to Kosovo
The study trip to Kosovo for team members of the Centre for Nonviolent Action Sarajevo – Belgrade and some of our associates was organised from 6 to 10 November 2023
Fifth Peacebuilding Training for Students from BiH: Generation Change
Report from the fifth Peacebuilding Training for students from Bosnia and Herzegovina that held from 22 to 28 July 2023 on Mount Vlašić
Commemoration for Killed Children Not Focused on Killed Children
Nedžad Novalić, member of the CNA team, in a text published by the ResPublica portal writes about the commemoration for killed children in Sarajevo
25th Annual Report Published
We have published the 25th Annual Report of the Centre for Nonviolent Action.
We look forward to your comments, suggestions and feedback about this report and our work.
44th Basic Training: Days when Years Happen
The 44th Basic Training in Peacebuilding organised by the Centre for Nonviolent Action Sarajevo/Belgrade was held in Ulcinj, Montenegro from 14 to 24 October.
Meeting of War Veterans – We Remain Steadfast on the Path of Peacebuilding
From 6 to 10 June 2022, in Blagaj near Mostar, we organised a meeting of war veterans and peace activists
“Introduction to Peacebuilding”, Mir-Paqe-Мир 2022
Many topics and questions discussed at the training are taboos in our societies, they are not spoken about, not even in the most intimate circles
Kosovo 2.0 portal about CNA peace work and activities with war veterans
Portal Kosovo 2.0 published an article about the peace work of the CNA, especially about our working with war veterans
24th Annual Report Published
In front of you is the 24th annual report on the activities of the Center for Nonviolent Action. As always, your feedback would mean a lot to us.