The Training in Peacebuilding was the first time I heard openly from different sides and different participants in the conflict
Peace Through Us
Report from the 46th Basic Training in Peacebuilding, Ulcinj, Montenegro, 18-28 October 2024
Fifth Peacebuilding Training for Students from BiH: Generation Change
Report from the fifth Peacebuilding Training for students from Bosnia and Herzegovina that held from 22 to 28 July 2023 on Mount Vlašić
44th Basic Training: Days when Years Happen
The 44th Basic Training in Peacebuilding organised by the Centre for Nonviolent Action Sarajevo/Belgrade was held in Ulcinj, Montenegro from 14 to 24 October.
“Introduction to Peacebuilding”, Mir-Paqe-Мир 2022
Many topics and questions discussed at the training are taboos in our societies, they are not spoken about, not even in the most intimate circles
Third Student Training in Peacebuilding: Generational Responsibility?!
The third peacebuilding training for students from BiH is complete. We identified the need for this type of peace education geared at students for the first time four years ago, when we organised the first peacebuilding training for students from BiH.
New handbook: Nonviolence!
Our new handbook, bringing together experience gained over 20 years of trainings, has just come out in print.
Everyone is waiting for someone else to be the first…
Report from the 41st basic training in peace building (Ohrid, 20-30 April 2017)
International Training for Nonviolence in the context of war and armed conflict
KURVE Wustrow organises
Mir – Paqe – Mир 2016
The organisations Action for Nonviolence and Peacebuilding (ANP), Gnjilane, Прва детска амбасада во светот Меѓаши/FCEW Megjashi, Skopje and the Centre for Nonviolent Action (CNA), Sarajevo–Belgrade organised the second training “Introduction to Peacebuilding: Mir – Paqe – Mир 2016 “. The training was held in Dorjan from 15 to 24 April 2016
Advanced Training in Peacebuilding (cooperation with Peace Action)
Organised by Peace Action Prilep/Tetovo, an advanced training in dealing with the past was held from 11 to 25 April 2016 in Kruševo. Peace Action sought the support of CNA for this training, given that it was the first advanced training they were organising and CNA already had experience in this area. The team included Goran Taleski, Boro Kitanoski and Fllanza Jusufi from Peace Action, and Katarina Milićević from CNA.
18th Annual Report
eighteenth annual report on our activities in the period September 2014 – September 2015
Peacebuilding training for students from BiH, Jahorina, 31 July – 5 August 2015
Peacebuilding training for students from Bosnia and Herzegovina was held from 31 July to 5 August on Mount Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Encounter of ex-combatants, Brčko 8-10.6.2012
war-veterans from Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina in the process of planning and designing future joint peace actions
Evaluation of CNA training work
”Work for Peace and Reconciliation in the West Balkans”
by Christine Schweitzer, 2012