about examples of reconciliation work in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Spain
others about us “Books like We Come in Peace can work like an elixir” asks how war veterans, people who used to look at each other through cross-hairs, can become not just peace activists, but good friends, and gives answers through a review of our book about the book We Come in Peace
Through an interview with Nenad Vukosavljević, the portal looks into the book about CNA’s work with war veterans.
Kosovo 2.0 portal about CNA peace work and activities with war veterans
Portal Kosovo 2.0 published an article about the peace work of the CNA, especially about our working with war veterans
Swiss television SRF: War veterans from the region at the commemoration in Prijepolje
The report was recorded on February 26 and 27, 2020, during the participation of war veterans from the region at the commemoration in Prijepolje, for the victims in Štrpce.
A REPORT THAT SHOULDN’T HAVE BEEN WRITTEN: They used to shoot at each other, now they donate blood for their “enemies” about war veterans action in Prijepolje in february 2020.
Centre for Nonviolent Action among the Winners of the Krunoslav Sukić Award
The official awards ceremony was held on 12 December 2019 at the Croatian National Theatre in Osijek
Media: As veterans honour Ahmici victims, activists criticise Croatia’s silence
While veterans from the region were paying their respects for the victims of the 1993 massacre in the village of Ahmici, Croatian activists were criticising their country’s leadership for not participating in the April 16th commemoration.
Members of the BiH Presidency Should Visit Sites of Atrocities Together
Mirza Dajić writes in Oslobođenje (6 January 2019) about the need for political officials to jointly visit sites of suffering, following the example of, among others, war veterans from the region who have been visiting sites of atrocities together for 10 years now, under the organisation of CNA.
Reconciliation does not mean forcing individuals to reconcile
The strategy aims to offer guidelines about the lessons to be learned from the wars. Primarily about how to re-examine the national past, which is presented as black-and-white in the dominant narrative.
Reconciling Histories!?
Reflections about Conference organised by the Centre for Nonviolent Action (CNA), Sarajevo 15.-17.5.2018.
What, they’re here too?
Ljudevit Kolar Kole, our associate from Novi Sad, on the importance of joint visits by war veterans to sites of suffering.
I have learned to stay silent and to listen
…A preponderance of history per square meter in other countries makes it a haven for tourists, but here it is only a guarantee of the presence of death, or at least it has been up till now.
Robert Streibel
Round Table of the Centre for Nonviolent Action, Sarajevo, October 2017
Bosnia Activists Install Signs at Unmarked War Sites – by BalkanInsight
Four activists from Bosnia and Herzegovina have been conducting an unofficial campaign to place temporary memorial signs at sites where people suffered during wartime but where no permanent monument exists.
Surviving the war years in Sarajevo – by Shanil Haricharan
Adnan Hasanbegović: “Through peace-building work, I understood why war is going on, and we have to work on peace. Muhammad and Jesus were peace builders.”