The meeting of war veterans at Mount Ozren in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 23 to 27 September 2024 also included meetings with local authorities and associations in Maglaj, Lukavac and Petrovo
Participation in the regional activist school on the 1990s “LOVE WILL SAVE US”
At the invitation of the CK 13 Youth Centre in Novi Sad, activists of the Centre for Nonviolent Action presented their peace activism, work with war veterans, as well as the activity Marking Unmarked Sites of Suffering to participants in the regional political school on the 1990s “LOVE WILL SAVE US!”
Workshops: “Introduction to Reflecting on Peace” in Novi Sad
Invited by associates from the CK 13 Youth Centre in Novi Sad activists of the Centre for Nonviolent Action held one of the Alternative Policy Seminars
Peace Activists from the Region Mark White Armband Day in Prijedor
A group of peace activists and war veterans attended the marking of White Armband Day in memory of non-Serb civilians killed during the war from 1992 to 1995 in Prijedor
Peace Activists from the Region at the Commemoration for Bosniaks Abducted in Herceg Novi
The commemorative gathering in front of the Herceg Novi Security Centre at noon on 25 May 2024 marked 32 years since the war crime committed against Bosniak civilians
Peace Activists at the Commemoration in Čardak near Derventa
Peace activists of the Centre for Nonviolent Action Belgrade – Sarajevo attended the commemoration for 37 civilian victims in Čardak near Derventa
Seventh Mir Paqe Мир Peacebuilding Training
17 participants, 2 interpreters, 5 trainers. All survived, with some losses.
War Veterans and Peace Activists Visiting both Ahmići and Trusina Today
A group of peace activists and war veterans will attend the commemorations on 16 April 2024 both in Ahmići and in Trusina
Presenting the Biber Contest in Ulcinj
A literary evening was held in Ulcinj on 4 April 2024 where we talked about the 6th multilingual Biber Contest for short stories about reconciliation
Promotion of the Biber Contest and Collection in Užice
The Biber multilingual short story contest focusing on reconciliation and the short story collections that came out of it were presented at the Užice Public Library
Prison Camp Survivors and Peace Activists Visit Sites of Detention in Herzegovina
Together with prison camp survivors, supported by peace activists, reporters and war veterans, from 9 to 11 March 2024, the Centre for Nonviolent Action visited former detention facilities in the area of Konjic, Mostar, Istočni Mostar and Jablanica
Meeting of War Veterans in Daruvar – Keeping up the Peace Work
In a relaxed working atmosphere in Daruvar, war veterans discussed the need for joint planning and next steps and reviewed their work over the past period.
Sixth Regional Short Story Contest Biber has been opened
The competition is open until 26 May 2024. Authors writing in Albanian, Macedonian, Bosnian, Montenegrin, Croatian or Serbian are eligible to enter.
26th Annual Report Published
We have published the 26th Annual Report of the Centre for Nonviolent Action. We look forward to your comments, suggestions and feedback about this report.
Life’s Boundaries – On the Study Trip to Kosovo
The study trip to Kosovo for team members of the Centre for Nonviolent Action Sarajevo – Belgrade and some of our associates was organised from 6 to 10 November 2023